Does This Resonate With You?

  • Anxiety

    Do you feel nervous or get irritable when faced with specific tasks or situations? Thinking through the “worst-case scenario” before something has happened. Or beating yourself up internally for something said or done after the fact. Do you tell yourself you are “overthinking” something and still have trouble taking action or saying the thing that you really want/need to say?

  • Life Transition/Sense of Overwhelm

    Has life recently changed for you, and you are having trouble adjusting? Perhaps you just moved to a new area, stepped into a new role at work, or you have new care-giving responsibilities for a child, spouse, or parent. You think “if I can just find a way to get into the swing of things.” But…. that hasn’t happened yet. You feel yourself moving throughout the day according to never ending to-do lists wondering when or even IF you will find the time to get it all done?

  • Emotional Implications of Adult ADHD

    Have you recently been diagnosed or suspect you are living with neurodivergence such as ADHD and not sure of your next steps. Maybe feeling a whole host of emotions ranging from relief at having a diagnosis, to sadness on being diagnosed as an adult, to being unsure of how to move forward.

If you are having some of the thoughts or experienced some of the situations listed above, I invite you to consider if working with me may be able to help. Browse the site or reach out to me to book a consultation today to find out how.